Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get access to the tariff impact report and other free data?

We will send you our data and interactive web app with customized tariff data for free. All we need you to do is first fill out a short 5-minute survey you can find at this link.

What does my company get if take the survey?

We will provide all companies that enroll in this study FREE access to our web application which can generate customized tariff impact reports. These reports leverage a trove of data that we have collected about the impact of tariffs on U.S. industries and can help inform business decision making at your company. To find out more about our custom tariff impact report which we will send your company for free, please visit this page.

What do you all get from this?

We are a group of academic researchers trying to learn how U.S. companies respond to the trade war. All we want is to learn more about how U.S. businesses think about and react to issues in international trade. As an academic group, we will not profit from or sell any of the data we collect. It will be used exclusively for writing a report that we can send you if you take our survey.

What is the relationship between this study and Princeton University?

The team of principal investigators behind this study were all research fellows at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs during the 2018-2019 academic year. The project was conceived there, much of the experimental data collection was performed there, and partially funded by the school. The investigators involved in this project, however, were only temporarily affiliated with Princeton University and have permenant appointments at several different universities across the world. Princeton University does not necessarily endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify, or agree with the content on this website and the findings of this study.

Does the research team have a political position on the trade war?

As researchers, we are interested in studying U.S. firm responses to recent trade actions. We do not take a stance on current U.S. trade policy as a research group.